First of all we want to assure you all the pictures are ours and real pics what you see is what you will receive (genuine store quality) , and we assure you is 100% safe and secure to buy from us you can place your order feeling 100% safe withot any worries we guarantee your satisfaction about our all services. Do not place an order if you're not 100% ready to pay ( first check Paiment Instruction and Terms&conditions ) if you agree with our terms select products that you want to purchase (remember if you saw a product on our instagram , facebook or other places and you didn't find on here in website contact our customer support they will add  product for you (if they are still availabel ) to be able to place your full order that you want  , also you can place your full order directly by talking with our customer support is not really necessary to place order in the website . if you want to keep going to place order here in website is ok continue to select your size (sizes are fitted to european sizes not decalated , you can truly select size without doing anything else if you know well your european size also you can contact custommer suport in this sense if you'll need .... After you select all the things and you're ready to place the order look on the top of the page in the right corner and press checkout then follow the steps:

Step1: Billing Details 

Step2:Delivery Details be sure all the data that you write here are right because at this address we will send your order.

Step3:Delivery Method here you will have 2 options EMS(E-packet ) we offer free shipping and is 100% safe for you no Customs fees no Customs problem we assure that ... this option is safe but little slowly around 12 days for delivery . Second option is DHL is faster around 6 days for delivery but sometimes you will pay the Customs import fees and also is a extra tax shipping cost for this express delivery around 30 dollars per item that you will need to pay. In any case both options are well and no Customs problems we assure that you're 100% safe to buy from us , we also are able to send products from uk to european countries but also here is an extra tax but 150% safe for all of our buyers get details with our customer support.

Step4:Payment Method

Step5:Confirm Order

After successfully placed your order check your mail inbox for payment instructions . Follow the payment instructions that you will receive ( your order will not be shippend until we receive payment.

After payment was received we will need 2-3 days to prepare your order then your order will be shipped out for delivery and you will be contacted by the email with tracking information .

That's all in short time you will have the package arrived to your door . Enjoy to be able to buy from us and have acces to our great offers .



Contact us : [email protected]  Whatsapp: +40 0734 591 346 or directly on the website live chat